General terms of use

1. About Us

The company ZIPLO, SAS, with a capital of 5753 euros, headquartered in LYON (69003) at 123 rue Pierre Corneille, registered in the trade and companies register of LYON under number 890 101 637 00, represented by Mrs. Aurélie DROUVIN (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

Reminder of the services offered by Ziplo:

File transfer (up to 2GB without an account, up to 4GB with a free account)

File deposition to receive a certified timestamped deposit certificate and the choice of whether to maintain an immutable and faithful copy of the file, as chosen by the user, for a duration also chosen by them.

Deposition of web pages through a Google Chrome extension (Ziplo WebProof) and the creation of a certificate, also referred to as a "digital record"

File storage via APIs. The ZIPLO+ subscription provides additional features:

File transfer of up to 20GB

File retention for 90 days

Option to protect transfers with a password

Address book

Customization of the download page

20% discount on one-time deposits

Access to Ziplo WebProof, the Google Chrome extension

Option to purchase payment credits in advance.

2. Preamble

The Company invites its Users to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use (hereinafter referred to as "T&C"). The T&C apply to all services provided by the Company to its Clients of the same category, regardless of any clauses that may be included in the Client's documents, including their general purchasing conditions.

The T&C are systematically communicated to the Client upon request.

The Client is required to become familiar with the T&C before any registration.

In the event of subsequent modification of the T&C, the Client is subject to the version in effect at the time of their Order.

The use of the Site implies acceptance without restriction or reservation of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, regardless of the technical means of access and terminals used.

3. Definitions

"Client" refers to any natural or legal person who places an Order on this Website.

"Order" refers to any purchase of a service made, in exchange for payment, by the registered User on this Site, in order to benefit from the Company's Services.

"General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use" or "T&C" refer to these online general terms and conditions of sale and use.

"Services" refer to all services offered to Users by the Company through the present Site.

"Site" refers to the present Site, i.e., all html pages and functionalities accessible at the address or subdomains of

"Company" refers to the ZIPLO Company, as more fully described in Article 1 of these terms.

"User" refers to any natural person who uses the Site.

4. Access to the Service

The ZIPLO service is deemed to be made available to the Client "as is" without specific adaptation measures. It resembles standard software that cannot meet all the specific needs of the Client. Therefore, it is the Client's responsibility to verify the suitability of the software proposed by the Company for their needs and to take all necessary precautions.

4.1 Interruption for Updates or Compliance

The Company reserves the right to interrupt the service to update hardware, software, and database structures or any element necessary for the proper functioning of the service or in contravention of national or international laws.

4.2 Emergency Interruption

In case of necessity, the Company reserves the right to interrupt the service to carry out technical maintenance or improvement work to ensure the proper functioning of its Services, regardless of the time and duration of the intervention.

4.3 Access Limitation

The Company reserves the right to suspend, interrupt, or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or certain parts of the site, for a specific category of Users.

4.4 Quality of Service

The obligation undertaken by the Company is an obligation of means. In this context, it undertakes to provide all necessary care and diligence to provide a quality service in accordance with industry standards. The Company will strive to offer 24/7 access, every day of the year, except in cases mentioned in Article 4.

The Company will make every effort to provide sufficient access quality to accommodate the traffic evolution of its Clients' service. In the event of rapid traffic increase, the Company may be subject to delivery delays from hardware manufacturers or Internet line installations.

The Service will be considered unavailable when the Client cannot transfer or deposit a file. Temporary platform slowdown is not considered unavailability and cannot lead to a claim. Any service access incident must be reported by the client or detected directly by the Company.

The Company's financial liability in case of technical failure is strictly limited to the amount committed by the client for their ongoing orders.

5. Registration

To proceed with registration, the User must complete all mandatory fields, without which the service cannot be delivered. Failure to do so will result in incomplete registration.

The User guarantees and declares on their honor that all information provided on the Site, especially during registration, is accurate and in accordance with reality. They undertake to update their personal information from the dedicated page available in their "user account."

Every registered User has a username and password. These are strictly personal and confidential and should not be communicated to third parties under any circumstances, as it will lead to the deletion of the account of the violating registered User. Each registered User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their username and password. The Company will not be held responsible for identity theft of a User. If a User suspects fraud at any time, they must contact the Company as soon as possible so that the necessary measures can be taken to rectify the situation.

In case of non-compliance with the T&C, especially the provision of false information, the Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently delete all accounts created by the violating registered User.

Account deletion results in the permanent loss of all benefits and services acquired on the Site.

In case of account deletion by the Company for failure to comply with the duties and obligations set out in the T&C, it is strictly forbidden for the violating User to re-register on the Site directly, through another email address, or through an intermediary without the express authorization of the Company.

The Services covered by the T&C are those listed on the Site and directly offered by the Company or its partner providers.

6. Pricing Policy

The Services covered by the T&C are those listed in point 1 and on the Site, and are directly offered by the Company or its partner providers.

When a registered User wishes to obtain a service provided by the Company through the Site, the price indicated on the service page corresponds to the price in euros, including all taxes (VAT), and takes into account the applicable and in-force discounts on the day of the Order.

Under no circumstances can a User demand the application of discounts that are no longer in effect on the day of the Order.

Tariff table for file deposition. The price varies based on the file size (up to 20GB) and storage duration (up to 15 years).

It is possible to subscribe to a subscription to upload files, accessible with a Ziplo + account.


The ZIPLO+ subscription is billed at 60€/year. Therefore, it is valid for one year from the validation of the subscription and will be automatically renewed on the anniversary date.

6.1 Payment

Payment is made by credit card via a secure transaction. In case of payment authorization refusal, ZIPLO systematically cancels the order.

ZIPLO uses the Stripe payment system. ZIPLO does not have access to the user's payment information and only receives a transaction number along with a success or failure code for the transaction. For this reason, the Company declines all responsibility in this process.

When the user chooses the option "remember my payment method," Ziplo actually only retains a Stripe identifier, the expiration date of the credit card, and the last 4 digits of the card, in order to display a partial view allowing the client to verify their payment method.

ZIPLO reserves the right to change its prices at any time, without retroactive effect on orders already placed.

Tariffs ziplo July 2024

6.2 Suspension of Services for Non-Payment

In case of non-payment of the subscription, especially at the time of renewal, the User will be notified of the issue multiple times. If the User does not rectify the issue within 30 days, their offer will be deactivated, and they will lose all options offered by the subscription.

6.3 Right of Withdrawal

The Client who has placed an order and made the payment (the payment constituting the sale and immediate implementation of the service) acknowledges and accepts the immediate execution of the service from the receipt of payment by our services, and thus expressly waives their right of withdrawal.

6.4 Partner Providers

Our application instances are hosted by Scaleway.

Files are stored with Scaleway.

Timestamp tokens are issued by the company Certigna, a Trusted Third Party approved by the State.

Transactions for blockchain timestamping are carried out on the BSC and iExec blockchains.

7. Processing and Protection of Personal Data

7.1 Purpose of Processing

The Personal Data collected by ZIPLO during the creation of the user account is for the purpose of:

Fulfilling the services for which the User has contracted with the Company.

Providing site personalization, especially in the Customer Area.

Presenting commercial offers from the Company or its partners on the site, especially in the User's Personal Area.

ZIPLO undertakes not to provide the personal data of its Users to third parties, free of charge or for remuneration, except to the parties designated by the User themselves as part of the service, or to legal authorities as a result of a court decision.

The collection of personal data is done in compliance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the "Informatique et Libertés" law, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

7.2 Supervisory Authority

The supervisory authority is the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), which the User can freely contact.

7.3 Security of Personal Data

The collected Personal Data is guaranteed against unauthorized exploitation or accessibility. A browser encryption process is implemented from the client to the platform (SSL encryption) during data transfers.

7.4 Proportionality

Only relevant and necessary Personal Data for the purpose of processing is collected, processed, and stored.

7.5 Location

Personal Data is collected, processed, and stored exclusively within the territories of the European Union.

7.6 Communication, Modification, and Deletion of Personal Data

The User can request communication of the personal data collected by the company at any time. They can request the correction of personal data concerning them. They can request their deletion.

This deletion will be carried out within the limits imposed by the company's legal retention obligations, both judicial and fiscal.

7.7 Personal Data Use Policy and Privacy Policy

The client is invited to refer to the Privacy Policy page to learn in detail about the conditions of use, access, correction, and retention of their data. This policy is an integral part of the service's T&C and protects ZIPLO users.

8. Limitations of Liability

In addition to the provisions defined above, especially in Article 5 "Service Availability," ZIPLO's liability cannot be engaged for any damage suffered by the Client or a third party resulting directly or indirectly from the Client's non-compliance with any of their obligations, negligence, or use of the Service for purposes other than those known.

ZIPLO's liability cannot be held in case of incompatibility of the Client's computer system with the Site, or due to the hazards and risks inherent in internet usage.

8.1 Intellectual Property

The User undertakes not to deposit files claiming to be the author or co-author of those files if they do not hold the intellectual property rights to them or if they have not received a mandate contract to deposit files on behalf of a third party.

8.2 Illicit Files and Data

The User undertakes not to use the transfer or deposition functions of Ziplo with illicit files or data.

9. Archiving - Proof - Security

9.1 Archiving

The computerized records kept in the computer systems of ZIPLO and/or its providers under reasonable security conditions are considered proof of communications, Orders, and payments between the Parties.

9.2 Proof

ZIPLO archives invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1379 of the Civil Code.

9.3 Exchange Security

All communications between the user and the site are subject to a secure connection via the HTTPS protocol associated with an SSL certificate, the implementation and security quality of which can be verified at

9.4 File Retention Period

Files are automatically deleted from our servers after 90 days following a transfer.

10. Miscellaneous Provisions

10.1 Partial Nullity

The nullity of one or more provisions of these T&C if declared by a court would not entail the nullity of the other provisions, which would remain in force.

10.2 Jurisdiction

The T&C are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the T&C will be submitted to the competent French courts, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code.

Last updated: January 23, 2022."