Online transfer and proof of deposit

Deposit, transfer, protect.

Ziplo is a 100% european secure service that allows you to create a proof of deposit that can be used in court to prove that you are the author of your documents.

Try for free


How does Ziplo work?

How does the system work?

Preuve de dépôt ou transfert

We transfer

By transferring with Ziplo, your correspondents are notified and so are you when they download your files. Files are processed and stored100% in Europe, by a French hosting service.

If you have uploaded a file before sending it, your correspondents will receive a specific email informing them that the file has been duly uploaded.

Fichiers hébergés en France Ziplo

We protect

By choosing to makea deposit with evidential value, you will receive a certificate with all the information you need to protect yourself and a timestamp that complies with european regulations (eIDAS), in addition to a blockchain timestamp.

We then store your files, making them tamper-proof and replicating them 3 times.


Simplicity, efficiency

How to use Ziplo?

A transfer in two clicks A deposit in 3 clicks

Why chose Ziplo?

Don't hesitate to protect yourself!

Ziplo is easy to use. Transfer or deposit in one move.

Ziplo is a secure solution: a 100% French infrastructure that complies with the most stringent data processing rules and standards.

Ziplo is economical: less than 4 euros for a document kept for 1 year.